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The Great Giving Back To The Community

2022 has been a challenging year for many as rising bills and living costs have placed additional financial pressure on families and residents across the UK. With the holidays looming, Plymouth-based Fire Safety Specialists, Ventro Group were compelled to help out, so created the Great Giving Back campaign to help communities and residents in need.  
Ventro Group kicked off the Great Giving Back campaign by delivering 30 boxes of food essentials, holiday treats and toiletry items across the UK, from Exeter in the Southwest of England to Paisley in Scotland. These boxes were delivered to social housing residents across Britain to spread some surprise Christmas cheer. 

Harvey Melvin, Managing Director of Ventro Group stated...

“Giving back to communities is part of our Ventro DNA, during the holiday season, we think it’s important to give back to communities that have welcomed us into their homes and businesses during the last year.”

Harvey added...

“We wanted to do more than just support those in our immediate office locations, as Ventro operates across the UK, we thought it was important to show our support in as many locations as possible."


Ventro Group has also been collecting for foodbanks local to each office location; Plymouth, Bristol, Ripley and Paisley. These foodbank donations have been collated by staff and were hand delivered throughout December to help foodbanks that have been busier this year than ever before. The Trussell Trust who welcomed the foodbank delivery from the Ventro Plymouth office mentioned that over 1.3 million food parcels had been delivered between April and September 2022. To paint a picture of the increase in demand for food donations, in the last 5 years, The Trussell Trust has seen an increase in foodbank usage by a massive 81%.

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We donated various food and toiletries to Foodbanks across the country. In Plymouth and Ripley we donated to local drop points with The Trussell Trust Foodbank and in Scotland, we donated to The Star Project, Pantry Plus.

In total, between the food boxes and the foodbank deliveries, Ventro Group were proud to be able to support families across the UK with over £1000 worth of food and essentials. Ventro Group celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2023 and wants to continue the Great Giving Back campaign into its first decennial anniversary.