Fire Regulation, Fire Safety, Fire Doors The Ultimate Guide to Fire Door Maintenance & Inspection Fire doors are an integral part of a building’s passive fire system. They’re designed to compartmentalise a building to prevent smoke and fire to stop it from spreading at speed. Interested In Learning More
What are the 5 Types of Fire Extinguishers in the UK? Fire extinguishers are life-saving devices. They’re primarily used to assist people when...
How Are Internal Fire Doors Fitted? A fire door is an internal door built to slow down the spread of fire or smoke throughout...
4 Fire Door Regulations You Need to Know Fire doors are an essential aspect of fire safety for any property. They’re designed to...
What Is the UK Standard for Fire Stopping? Fire stopping is a critical element of fire protection for any building type. Its purpose...
Your 5 Step Fire Risk Assessment Checklist The ‘Accountable Person’ in any business must ensure a fire risk assessment of the premises...
Who Is Responsible For Building Fire Safety? The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force over 15 years ago. As part...